Sex and porn addiction

Sex addiction and porn addiction


Like many addictions, sex or porn can seem to be out of control in certain people. It can start with a pre-occupation with a person or an act which turns into a compulsion. Addictions are not straight forward, as they are often used to anaesthetise some other underlying problem or insecurity. This problem is not necessarily linked with an insatiable sex drive, in fact if two partners are linked together in a high libido relationship it can be a delight.

This problem correlates largely with attachment trauma. If presented with anxiety of distress, the addicts fixate on the addiction rather than going to real people or engaging in real intimacy for comfort.

Within therapy sessions, l write programs to steer people away from the addiction and allow them to feel real connection and intimacy with a willing partner as a productive alternative. This can effectively leave the pull of the addiction redundant.

As a specialist in treating porn addiction and sex addiction, I can work with you and your partner to develop a personalised program to help you regain the intimacy that may have been lost and move to a stronger and more successful relationship together.

Drop me an email or give me a call on 07879635055 to set up an initial consultation to understand our compatibility and let’s start our journey to happier relationships.